364.1121 Vogeler, Robert A.: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Austria


1777. Legation Vienna requested acknowledge Mrs. Vogeler’s telegram Dec 141 appealing to President personally and her telegram Dec 231 to Secretary expressing disappointment ineffectiveness US action to date and urging adoption economic measures reported your 1757 Dec 21.2 Suggest Legation inform Mrs. Vogeler that officials US government comprehend fully and with the deepest sympathy her anxiety and feelings re plight her husband and that Department together with Legation Budapest is doing utmost bring about his release. You should add that Department is of course giving urgent consideration all possible steps which may contribute that end.

Sent Vienna 1777 repeated Budapest 734.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed; the measures suggested included the suspension of exports to Hungary and, if necessary, the imposition of a complete economic embargo (364.1121 Vogeler, Robert A.).