Memorandum by the Secretary of State for President Truman
Subject: Proposed Statement Concerning the Case of Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary
With reference to Mr. Clifford’s telephone call this morning,1 I enclose a statement2 in connection with the conviction of Cardinal Mindszenty which we had contemplated issuing immediately to the press through the State Department press office.
Both the defense and the prosecutor have appealed the decision in the Cardinal’s case. While the possibility now seems remote, it appears conceivable that a statement at this time directly by the President or Secretary of State could still react to the Cardinal’s detriment.
Accordingly on balance I recommend that, pending the outcome of the appeal and determination of such further action as may seem desirable at that time, this Government’s views be expressed through this Departmental release rather than by a direct personal statement.3
- See Special Assistant Carter’s memorandum, February 8, supra.↩
- For the text of the statement under reference, subsequently issued to the press by the Secretary of State of February 9, see infra.↩
- The source text bears the following marginal notation in the President’s handwriting: “I think the Secretary of State should issue this statement. I’ll back him up tomorrow. H.S.T.”↩