860F.00B/5–1149: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Czechoslovakia
549. Munich Desp. 113 Apr. 14,1 report No. 54 MA Bern Apr 20 rptd MA Praha and summarized Bern’s 9 Apr 222 allude to sensational developments Czecho Communist Party which may be accentuated by current internatl developments.
As we view situation differences between Czecho and USSR re econ assistance are within realm possibility and dissension among Czecho Communist leaders likely. Communist Congress May 25 to 29 provides excellent opportunity settling accts. Hence expect exacerbation intraparty strife in immed future with opposing factions jockeying for support lower party functionaries and delegates chosen attend Congress. Do not envisage Tito-like development but consider moderates able hold their gen position especially in view likelihood widespread dissatisfaction lower echelon party officials as result increasing Moscow pressure and exploitation. Expect avoidance open conflict, Gottwald3 retain chairmanship party and few outward changes to take place. Nevertheless changes composition inner Party comms which might not be published are important and worth careful investigation. Believe outcome struggle might be determined by position taken Zapotocky,4 provided he can effectively control rank and file trade unions.
Wld appreciate your appraisal this view, and evaluation Zapotocky’s attitude and relative power in Party. If you concur this analysis would appreciate recommandations possibility our exploitation present struggle in Communist Party and imminent showdown at Congress toward weakening hold Moscow Communists or preventing change status quo in favor Moscow. Believe no chance however small toward this end should be overlooked. Continuing econ deterioration and symptoms awareness some Czecho Communists that closer econ ties with West desirable might provide entering wedge. At the same time, great caution shld be exercised not to give impression that US [Page 402] condones nationalist Communist regimes. Similarly our belief Czecho essentially Western nation and will return to community democratic countries shld be reiterated.
- Not printed; it reported the substance of a Munich newspaper account of alleged sensational changes in the offing in the leadership of the Czechoslovak Communist Party (860F.00B/4–1449).↩
- Not printed; it reported the substance of a Bern newspaper story regarding the alleged confiscation in Praha of several issues of the Soviet newspapers Pravda and Izvestia because of articles which might upset Czechoslovak public opinion (760F.61/4–2549).↩
- Klement Gottwald, President of Czechoslovakia and Chairman of the Czechoslovak Communist Party.↩
- Antonin Zápotocký, Czechoslovak Prime Minister, Member of the Politburo of the Czechoslovak Communist Party and Chairman of the Czechoslovak Trade Union Council.↩