Memorandum of Convention, by Mr. Harry N. Howard, Adviser to the United States Delegation to the United Nations
Following our conversations on Friday and Saturday, May 13 and 14,1 and my telephone conversation with Mr. Campbell last evening,2 I spoke with Mr. Shtylla this morning about American-Albanian relations. I said that the Department of State had reached no ultimate decisions in the matter and that there would be no reason why Mr. Shtylla should delay his departure for Paris. I further remarked that the position of the United States in the matter of Albania’s treaty obligations remained as it had been in 1946, but that there were additional political elements which had since entered into the situation. On Mr. Shtylla’s inquiry, I remarked that these involved Albanian assistance to the Greek guerrillas, as established by the U.N. Commission of Investigation in 1947 and by UNSCOB in 1948–1949. In turn this situation involved Albania’s relations with the UN. Mr. Shtylla made no particular comment as to the Greek guerrillas, but he did indicate that Albania’s attitude toward the UN was well known. Albania had long since applied for membership in the UN. The conversation closed with my remark that if the Albanian Government had some views which it desired to present concerning these matters, the Department would be willing to consider them.