740.0011 EW (Peace)/4–2749: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom


1421. Having recd unsatisfactory replies from Bulg, Hung and Rum re violation human rights clause Peace Treaties,1 Dept considers disputes exist under Arts 36, 40, 38 respective Treaties. First step, accordingly, request meetings three Heads of Mission, Sofia, Budapest, Bucharest to consider disputes and reach settlements if possible.

Dept believes desirable proceed jointly with UK. Parallel notes cld be presented Sov reps three capitals stating arts on settlement of disputes being invoked, and simultaneously requesting meet with Brit and US colleagues in effort reach settlements. Copies three notes wld be sent to respective Balkan Govts, and all Treaty signatories wld at same time be informed of steps being taken. At expiration two month period, if no settlements reached US and UK wld then approach each Balkan Govt again naming joint US–UK member of proposed commission and requesting govt in question to name second member and to discuss appointment of third.

In interest Western solidarity and expeditiousness, Dept is inclined to consider this procedure preferable to institution separate proceedings by US and UK, which wld mean separate commissions in each capital and consequent duplication.

Pls ascertain FonOff views as to proposed procedure and possible role Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Although these three dominions associated themselves with US or UK notes of Apr 2, we do not know to what degree they wish to continue actively in subsequent measures taken under settlement of disputes Arts Peace Treaties.

If FonOff in general agreement, Dept will transmit in subsequent [Page 243] tel for Brit consideration draft texts notes to be delivered to Sov Reps three capitals.

  1. See editorial note, supra.