501.BB/10–449: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Gadel 29. Dept has considered urtel, Oct 4,1 and believes that there is little fundamental difference between approach taken by UN [ USUN ] staff and Dept’s own point of view.
As we see it our principal objectives in connection with Soviet resolution may be summarized as follows:
- 1.
- To prevent and minimize any propaganda advantage to Soviet Union which might be derived from permitting ourselves to be maneuvered into a position on permanent record of rejecting a resolution containing clauses favoring peaceful settlement, etc.
- 2.
- To use the occasion to place clearly before world opinion a realistic picture of conditions of peace as opposed to the illusory nature of Soviet proposal.
- 3.
- To join issue with Soviet in order to show the essential falsity and fraud of their position vis-à-vis their own action and adherence to Charter principles.
- 4.
- To avoid dissipating capital of good will which we have with other GADels by putting them in position of opposing a resolution containing even illusory hope for peace.
Dept believes that these objectives can be met by the aggregate of a substitute resolution to be adopted by Assembly along lines of Gadel 252 and urtel of Oct 4 and our statements before GA.
In view of foregoing Dept believes it desirable to undertake immediately consultation with states mentioned in para 6 urtel and states [Page 97] mentioned in para 1 Gadel 24,3 indicating objectives stated above and that these objectives can best be achieved by a substitute resolution. USRep shld indicate further that USDel is presently at work on such a substitute resolution and would be interested in any ideas which these delegations may have.