834.00/3–349: Telegram

The Ambassador in Paraguay (Warren) to the Secretary of State


87. After office yesterday p. m., Acting Undersecretary Foreign Affairs Moreno González, delivered Embassy personally note1 dated March 2 from Federico Chávez, Minister Foreign Affairs, requesting be transmitted USA government desire Provisional Government headed by Provisional President Felipe Molas López continue maintaining very cordial relations that have always united USA and Paraguay. Note lists cabinet already reported Department and says in translation “As a culmination of the recent political events which are of general knowledge, and General Rolón resigning, by decision of the Colorado people and the nations armed forces, Felipe Molas López assumed the high position of Provisional President of the Republic taking oath of office before the Supreme Court of Justice February 27 ultimo.” Note also declared Molas government has unanimous support united Colorado party and armed forces and controls center country, assures security and guarantees to all Paraguayan inhabitants, confirms free elections April 17 next, promises continue respect loyally, faithfully, fulfillment Paraguayan international commitments and obligations, states Paraguay will lend its traditional respect for principles international law, especially as they may be able strengthen continental and world solidarity based on democratic institutions.

Comments: Embassy expects submit March 7 recommendation subject recognition de facto López government.

  1. Not printed.