501.BC/10–649: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Gadel 34. Re Yugo candidacy SC, Dept believes it would be serious matter for Yugo if having gone so far in pressing her candidacy for [Page 261] SC, she should ultimately fail to get elected.1 Accordingly, it may be desirable in Del’s discretion to point this out discreetly to other friendly delegates in such manner as not to place US prestige directly at stake on outcome.
Specifically, if question raised that support for Yugo would be incompatible with prior informal arrangement to have Soviet candidate on SC, US Del should point out that Yugo is Eastern European state, a communist state, and a Slav state; the only difference between Yugo and Russian candidate is Yugo is not presently under complete domination of USSR; to extent that there was any prior arrangement with USSR as to distribution SC seats, it was certainly not agreed that support would always be given Eastern European state completely subservient to Soviet Union.
- The Department was kept informed in detail on a daily basis as to all relevant developments at the General Assembly by two series of telegraphic summaries, one secret and the other “open”. These were transmitted to the Department from the Mission by pouch during the night.↩