Department of State Press Release: Joint Statement by the United States and Mexican Governments 1

During the past few weeks, conversations have been carried on in Mexico City between the Government of Mexico and the Government of the United States of America, with a view to concluding a bilateral air-transport agreement between the two countries. George A. Brownell, personal representative of President Truman, has conducted the negotiations for the United States in cooperation with the American Embassy. Lie. Garcia Lopez, Minister of Communications and Public Works, and other members of the staff of the Ministry of Communications were designated by President Aleman to represent Mexico in the conversations. Because of different views with respect to certain air routes to be mutually operated by both countries on a permanent basis, the conversations did not result in complete and final agreement in spite of compromises made by both sides in an effort to meet each other’s views. However, the conferees did succeed in reaching agreement on many aspects of the problem and have clearly defined [Page 641] the issues still to be resolved. These are now receiving careful consideration by President Alemàn.2

Both the Minister of Communications and Public Works and the American Embassy feel that the discussions have been fruitful and instructive. Mr. Brownell has expressed to Dr. Garcìa López his appreciation of the sympathetic and searching approach of the Minister and his colleagues and for the many courtesies extended to the United States Representatives.

The two Governments have jointly declared that the suspension of the current discussions in no way indicates a rupture of civil-aviation relations or air-transport services between the two countries or an abandonment of the desire of both Governments to complete an airtransport agreement.

  1. Department of State Bulletin, September 5, 1948, p. 300.
  2. On August 22, 1949, the Ambassador in Mexico (Thurston) received a negative reply to the proposal submitted by General Brownell on his mission of the previous year. A copy of this letter written, at the direction of President Alemán, by Manuel Tello, Undersecretary for Foreign Relations, was transmitted to the Department in despatch 1093, August 25, 1949 (711.1227/8–2449).