710.J/4–2748: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia (Beaulac) to the Secretary of State

Delbog 133. Daily Report No. 22 Monday April 26.

Organic Pact. All substantive work completed coordination final text begun.
Pacific Settlement: Work on both treaty and articles Organic Pact proceeding slowly in working groups now appears central feature of treaty will be compulsory arbitration ICJ (International Court of Justice) in all cases legal and non-legal. Reference non-legal cases not to be confused with submission ex aequo et bono which is recognized separately. Court is to determine whether it has jurisdiction any given case. If decides negatively parties are bound to submit matter to arbitration. US has indicated it may have three reservations: (1) That this government will not undertake submit to ICJ any case not believed properly within competence; (2) that arbitral procedure must be preceded by special compromise; (3) that acceptance jurisdiction ICJ in legal cases subject to limitations contained in declaration in force under article 36, paragraph 2 of statute.
Economic Matters: Steering Committee approved, US abstaining, following article for inclusion in chapter on rights and duties states of Organic Pact. “No state may apply or stimulate coercive measures of economic or political character in order force sovereign will of another state and obtain from latter advantages of any nature”.
Reports working groups presented to full economic committee but voting postponed until tomorrow. Mexico reopened issue of compensation for expropriation proposing prompt adequate and effective compensation only if not in conflict with constitution.
Social and Cultural Matters: US amendment to convention on women’s rights limiting it to non-abridgement of rights to vote and hold national office, approved Committee V with eight affirmative votes including US and three abstentions. Separate convention granting equal civil rights also approved, US voting negative.
US cultural resolution approved by acclamation.
Committee also approved, US abstaining, Uruguayan resolution recommending that council of organization establish institute of social guarantees to assure fulfillment charter social guarantees.
Caracas selected site tenth conference.