837.61351/4–3048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Cuba

us urgent   niact

443. Pls seek an immediate appointment with President Grau (retelcon Tewell1–Walker) and present strong oral protest re Tanamo issue along following lines:

“US Govt views with serious concern the seizure of the US-owned Tanamo sugar mill by the Cuban Govt and cannot help but feel that [Page 556] action of this kind is contrary to the cordiality, friendliness, and understanding that have always marked the relations between the two countries. Assurances were given me by officials of the Cuban Govt that the decree authorizing intervention would not be signed pending further negotiations between representatives of the mill and the colonos. Even after the decree was promulgated, I was given assurances that it would be held in suspense pending further discussion between the parties to the dispute. Representatives of the mill, I am told, went so far as to present a proposal for the purchase of cane under the terms demanded by the colonos pending judicial determination of the price due under the contract. This proposal is indicative of the earnest desire of the company to resolve the dispute and to adhere to the established judicial processes.

“While my Govt is of course not in a position to judge the merits of the evidence submitted by either party to the controversy and recognizes that this is a matter which falls within the province of the Cuban courts, it finds it difficult to believe that intervention was either necessary or justified.

“My Govt is therefore convinced that Your Excellency’s Govt after further consideration of this matter will rescind the expropriation proceedings and return the mill to its owners.”

  1. Harold S. Tewell, Counselor of Embassy in Cuba.