818.00/12–1248: Telegram
The Ambassador in Nicaragua (Shaw) to the Secretary of State
333. Embtel 328, December 111 and Gordon Reid’s telephone call December 12.
I discussed Costa Rican situation with Somoza this afternoon. He first attempted treat matter lightly saying did not consider situation Costa Rica very serious.
I informed him of my opinion matter was very serious and pointed out that despite his promise to me had allowed an insurrection to organize in Nicaragua and proceeded to attack Costa Rica. I stated I knew a number of trucks loaded with men had proceeded to cross the border without being stopped by Guardia. He stated the border had been open and that while he had not given orders to not let groups of persons to pass he had not given orders to stop until this incident had occurred. He at first denied the Costa Rican émigrés had received uniforms, shoes, and arms. I told him I knew that there was an ample body of Guardia at the border which could have prevented these people including Calderon Guardia from going to Costa Rica. He stated Guardia Nacional had permitted this group to pass without his (Tacho’s) knowledge or consent. I stated that he could not expect me to believe that he had lost control of the Guardia to that extent…
Tacho expressed no regret that incident had occurred and stated also that if this brought about an armed attack on Nicaragua that he would welcome it indicating that felt able to cope with this situation by force of arms. His final attitude was rather belligerent and his final statement was that this situation would be brought to a head and that the US would bring pressure on Costa Rica as well as on him to the end that peace and quiet might prevail in the two countries.
Hope to send supporting evidence of statements in Embtel 328 later tonight or tomorrow.
Department pass to Army.
Sent Department 333, repeated San Salvador, Tegucigalpa, Guatemala, pouched San José.
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