818.00/4–1748: Telegram

The Chargé in Nicaragua (Bernbaum) to the Secretary of State


96. Following telegram Nicaraguan Foreign Office to Nicaraguan Delegation Bogotá delivered tonight by Acting Minister Foreign Affairs:


“Advance from Costa Rica toward our borders of revolutionary columns made up of elements of various nationalities with the intention of invading Nicaragua having been verified, and in view of the inability of the Government of Costa Rica to protect the border, this Government, duly authorized by and at the request of the Government of Costa Rica, has occupied strategic places in Costa Rican territory for the sole purpose of preventing invasion, while maintaining its neutrality with regard to the state of war in Costa Rica. The Government has notified the American Embassy in this city of these events, repeating to it that the measures taken are for the sole purpose of preventing war in Nicaragua. Steps should be taken to explain the seriousness of the matter and to urge quick action to guarantee to this Government that the new Government of Costa Rica now being organized will prevent the revolutionary movement from proceeding against Nicaragua.”

He stressed defensive character action and lack any intention intervene Costa Rican revolution. Promised furnish list occupied points tomorrow. Action already indicated by Somoza’s recent statements to Embassy and follows today’s controlled American sources reports troop movements into Costa Rica and Nicaragua air force activity.
