710.J/4–2048: Telegram
The Ambassador in Colombia (Beaulac) to the Acting Secretary of State
Delbog 103. Daily Summary No. 17. Re collective security matters Steering Committee Monday afternoon approved following complete text Chapter III organic pact as drafted by working group of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Panama, Peru, US, Uruguay.
“Article 10. Every aggression by state against integrity or inviolability of territory or against political independence of American state shall be considered act of aggression against all other American states.
Article 11. If inviolability or integrity of territory or sovereignty or political independence of any American state should be affected by armed attack, or by act of aggression other than armed attack, or by extracontinental conflict or by conflict between two or more American states, or by any other fact or situation that might endanger peace of America, the American states, giving effect to principles continental solidarity and legitimate defense, shall apply methods and procedures established in the special treaties existing on this subject.”
Also approved understanding that Article 11 includes all provisions Rio treaty.
Also approved following articles Organic Pact drafted by same working group to replace Articles 59–65 of governing board draft:
“Article A. There is established an advisory Defense Committee to advise organ of consultation on problems of military collaboration which may arise in connection with application of existing treaties dealing with collective defense.
Article B. Consultative Defense Committee shall consist of highest military authorities American nations which participate in consultative meeting. Under exceptional circumstances, governments may designate substitutes. Each government shall have one vote.
Article C. Consultative Defense Committe shall be convoked at same time and in same manner as organ consultation, when latter is to deal with matters relating to defense against aggression.
Article D. When assembly or meeting consultations, or two-thirds of governments, assign to committee technical studies or reports on specific subjects, it may also meet for that purpose”. Approved express understanding that committee can not intervene in military affairs member states nor carry out studies within states without consent.
Also approved following complementary resolution on continuing present IA Defense Board. “Conference, considering that there has been created an Advisory Defense Committee to advise organ consultation on problems military collaboration which may arise in connection, with application of existing treaties dealing with collective defense;
“That it is desirable that American States be in position request [Page 51] information from Defense Board on measures contributing to collective security of American continent; resolves that:
- “1. Defense Board shall continue to act as preparatory organ for collective defense against aggression, until American governments by two-thirds majority resolve to terminate its work.
- “2. Board shall formulate own regulations of organization for discharging, in addition to advisory functions it now has, such other functions of same character as may be delegated to it by the committee established in article—of charter of organization of American states.
- “3. Secretariat of Defense Board shall serve as secretariat of committee referred to preceding paragraph”.
Also approved separate resolution to include Defense Board budget in that of PAU.
(Note: Ridgway1 for the military representatives requests all foregoing be passed to Secretary Joint Chiefs Staff with request to furnish copies to all three services.)
Steering Committee approved following articles organization pact separating government board from PAU to become “Council of Organization” and applying name PAU to administrative offices to become “General Secretariat of Organization”:
“Article 14. Organization of American states carries out its purposes through: (1) Inter-American Conference (2) Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (3) Council (4) Pan American Union (5) Specialized conferences (6) Specialized organizations.
Article 35. BIS Council shall be responsible for proper discharge by PAU of duties assigned to it.
Article 38. (F) It is also duty of Council to adopt the resolutions to permit Secretary General to carry out functions envisaged in Article (old 46).
Article 42. PAU is a central and permanent organ of organization American states, and secretariat general of organization. It also has mission of strengthening economic, social, juridical and cultural relations among all member states. It shall perform functions conferred upon it in this charter and other Inter-American treaties and agreements.
Article 44. There shall be a secretary general of the organization, who shall be elected by Council for term of ten years et cetera as in old draft.
Article 45. Secretary general directs PAU and is its legal representative.
Article 47. PAU, through its technical and information offices, shall promote, under direction of Council, economic, juridical, social and cultural relations among all states members of organization.”
Steering Committee also approved Articles 32, 34, 37, 38, 40, 44, and 46 of government board draft without substantial change.
[Page 52]All above articles will now be referred to working committee for coordination, changes in drafting, and additions.
At end of Plenary Session Monday, Betancourt (Venezuelan) read Washington UP despatch re Nicaraguan invasion Costa Rica2 suggesting that President seek further information and opinion delegates re advisability meeting Tuesday consider situation. Marshall stated no confirmation received by US Delegation. Debayle (Nicaraguan) stated despatch untrue and that Nicaragua had only moved troops to protect southern frontier as act self-defense on own territory as elementary sovereign duty of state. Called on Costa Rican Delegate to testify Nicaragua’s scrupulous respect for Costa Rican sovereignty. Machado (Costa Rica) stated he had heard Nicaraguan statement with satisfaction and hoped it would be confirmed by government. Added that former Nicaraguan Governments always respected Costa Rican sovereignty. President Zuleta (Colombian) closed meeting by stating would take note Betancourt’s suggestion.
Committee VI working group on rights, duties man composed Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, US, Uruguay, Venezuela, has held series meeting to draft declaration. Notwithstanding initial agreement restrict declaration to essential rights, avoiding surplusage and omitting references duties individuals and states, at Monday meeting several special points were raised which makes doubtful prompt conclusion declaration satisfactory to conference and more doubtful of declaration satisfactory US.
On economic matters working group on private investments in encouraging atmosphere tentatively approved draft Article 18 economic agreement generally following US proposals and US amendments second sentence Article 19.
In working group on new economic organizations Mexico, Venezuela repeated insistence necessity immediate creation independent substantial development planning organization. US reiterated position this work should be done within framework IA ECOSOC. Argentina appeared to agree with US but urged creation IA bank. In full economic committee Harriman’s statement was read regarding economic assistant to Secretary Commerce to safeguard LA interests allocation scarce articles [sic]. Venezuela submitted resolution that economic conference of Ministers of Economy, Finance or Development meet September this year.