818.00/3–348: Telegram

The Ambassador in Costa Rica (Davis) to the Secretary of State


69. This morning Archbishop and Presidential Aide called at office. Archbishop said decision made release Ulate unconditionally upon completion statement being taken by civil judge. Others to be released later following similar statements. Asked me accompany to Artilleria escort Ulate to his house. President’s Aide replied affirmatively my question whether government approved my participation. (ReEmbtel 67, March 3.) After admission Artilleria we waited one hour when Ulate and six companions, having signed statements before civil judge, were released. Proceeding in Archbishop’s, mine, and one other car supplied by Ulate friends, went to Ulate’s house. Near Artilleria and again in front of home procession was surrounded by throng cheering viva Ulate, viva Estados Unidos, etc., plus few Calderonistas cheering their candidate, but no disturbances.

Archbishop subsequently told me President told him this morning opposition has agreed not call strike; Congress will be summoned March 4 to authorize payment election expenses both parties which then will agree on mutually satisfactory President for forthcoming constitutional term.

Sent Department as 69; repeated unnumbered to Buenos Aires missions.
