710.J/4–1948: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia ( Beaulac ) to the Acting Secretary of State

Delbog 91. Daily Summary Number 16. Steering Committee decided include principles of rights and duties of states in body of Organic Pact content and language to be determined by working committee.

Committee VI decided rights and duties of man should be in separate declaration without binding force content and language being worked out by subcommittee.

Questions regarding method and extent of inclusion of Bio treaty in Organic Pact and establishment of military agency discussed in Steering Committee and subcommittee Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Panama, Peru, US and Uruguay appointed to resolve them.

General sentiment in Steering Committee favored separating governing board partially from the PAU to become “Permanent Council” of IA system now to be called “Organization of American States” and restricting name “PAU” to the administrative offices which would serve as “General Secretariat of Organization”.

Steering Committee approved following text of Article 33 Organic Pact:

“Article 33 Permanent Council of Organization of American States is composed of one representative for each State member specially appointed by respective government with rank Ambassador. Appointment [Page 48] may devolve upon diplomatic representative accredited to government of country in which Council has seat. During absence of regular representative governments may appoint interim representative”.

Subcommittee II C approved following Article 39 organic pact:

“Governing Board shall establish basis for fixing quota that each government must contribute to maintenance PAU taking into account capacity to pay respective countries and their determination to contribute in equitable manner. Budget shall be approved by Governing Board and communicated to governments at least six months before first day fiscal year with indication annual quota each country. Decisions on budgetary questions shall require approval two thirds members”.

Economic Committee discussed private investments Chapter IV economic agreement. Harriman’s explanation US position well received and working group appointed study US amendments. Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras supported IAECOSOC draft. Uruguay based position on Articles 11 and 12 of ITO Charter. Peru supported US amendments except those on expropriation and taxes.

Economic Committee working group on Bolivian proposal (daily summary April 16) re guarantees for primary products became deadlocked and will meet again Monday.
