611.3231/6–148: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Brazil


414. Rodriguez substantially correct (urtel 602, June 1). Procedure adopted Geneva1 would be render US–Brazil trade agreement, except right of termination on six months’ notice, inoperative while two Govts are both Contracting Parties GATT. Same policy adopted with present Contracting Parties having bilateral trade agreements with US, and given effect through signature supplementary agreement. Such agreement with Brazil, perhaps by exchange notes, necessary accomplish foregoing. In US, Presidential Proclamation would make effective GATT concessions initially negotiated Brazil which not yet effective. Instruction follows.

  1. The reference is to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade signed at Geneva, October 30, 1947 by eight countries and for those countries effective on January 1, 1948. For text of the agreement see Department of State, Treaties and Other International Acts Series No. 1700. For documentation on United States policy leading to the agreement, see Foreign Relations, 1947, volume i .