
The Vice Chairman of the Inter-American Coffee Board (Toro) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: As your Excellency knows, during the last few months the Inter-American Coffee Board has been actively engaged in studying the form in which the inter-American cooperation with respect to coffee should be continued.

After several meetings, the Board finally gave its approval yesterday to the Resolution which I have the honor to transmit herewith,1 recommending to the Governments participating in the Coffee Agreement that the Board be authorized to request the Organization of American States to assume responsibility, as of October 1, 1948, for [Page 270] the continuation of the inter-American cooperation which has been carried out until now by the Board.

The Resolution recommends further that arrangements as to the functions and procedures of the new entity on coffee within the Organization of American States be agreed upon between the Board and the Organization, prior to October 1, 1948.

In submitting this Resolution to your Excellency’s Government, the Board has asked me to request that your Government kindly inform us if it approves this Resolution, before the end of the current month of August, in order that we may have sufficient time during September to carry out the arrangements referred to in the Board’s Resolution.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.

Emilio Toro
  1. Resolution of August 2, not printed.