710.J/4–848: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia (Beaulac) to the Acting Secretary of State

Delbog 46. Daily Report No. 7. All US amendments organic pact, pacific settlement treaty and economic agreement formally submitted. In effort place burden on others to propose methods avoidance duplication IA and UN economic machinery, Harriman announced Committee Four that US temporarily withholding affirmative proposals or comments on Articles 9–14 draft economic agreement until conference reaches decision re scope functions ECLA and IA ECOSOC, and stated atempts by Mexico, Guatemala clarify functions unsatisfactory.

Committee Two: Barros Jarpa (Chile) firmly opposed grant any political powers governing board and opposed decision Rio Conference that board act as provisional organ consultation, stating that large sectors of opinion dubious re IA system because managed from Washington, adding he knew of no instance of undue US influence. Proposed that organ consultation be diplomatic corps in other American representative [Republics] chosen in rotation by each international conference. [Page 35] La Rosa (Argentina) stated Argentina unwilling ratify pact if in its opinion it established superstate; reiterated arguments against political powers governing board. Panama also opposed. Mora (Uruguay) supported Mexican proposal that governing board as interorgan consultation be required immediately convoke meeting Foreign Ministers to obviate possibility board (becoming in effect permanent organ.

Committee Three: Mexico supported compulsory jurisdiction ICJ (International Court Justice) and compulsory arbitration non-juridical disputes. Peru favored former only. Tate (US) favored inclusion treaty provision re compulsory jurisdiction ICJ but favored fullest freedom choice procedures solution non-juridical disputes.

Committee Six: Ecuador withdrew resolution re abolition practice recognition. Mexico proposed resolution stating continuance political relations should be independent internal governmental policies and proscribing use recognition as instrument national policy. Supported by Argentina, Dominican Republic, Ecuador. Opposed by Chile, Peru.

Argentina and Guatemala urged respective colonial claims. Venezuela supported Guatemalan resolution on colonies. Brazil reserved position, stressing desirability pacific settlement.

Plenary session speakers: Dardo Regules (Uruguay) Castro (El Salvador), Despradel (Dominican Republic). Regules pointed out that insofar as Communism is social revolution it cannot be met by force and insofar as is political instrument of USSR can best be dealt with by individual countries. Other speeches routine.
