The Ambassador has the honor to enclose for the information of the
Department, copy of a New China News Agency commentary entitled, “Salute
to the American People” which was broadcast by the North Shensi Radio on
February 15, 1948. The Department’s particular attention is drawn to
this broadcast, not because it contains anything new and startling, but
simply because it is such a typical example of the type of unrestrained
abuse to which the Chinese Communists are continually subjecting the
United States. It is also a good example of the kind of propaganda which
we must find ways and means to counteract.
Broadcast by North Shensi Communist Radio
North Shensi, February 15th: A New China News Agency commentary
entitled “Salute to the American People” reads as follows:
A national conference on American policy toward China and the Far
East, sponsored by the Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern
Policy, was held in New York from January 23rd to 25th. This
conference decided to take action against sending of munitions and
other aid by the United States Government to dictator Chiang
Kai-shek and the Dutch and French aggressors. The fifty thousand
strong American International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s
Union has already decided to forbid transport of foreign aid in war
[Page 120]
and American
…77 at the beginning of this month have begun a
movement against aid to Chiang Kai-shek.
These are just actions of the American people to aid the Chinese
people and other oppressed peoples of far eastern countries. We wish
to express our salute to the American people in the highest
During the past two years, the progressive organizations of the
American people have ceaselessly given moral support to the just
struggles of the Chinese people. The conference on China and the Far
East held in San Francisco in October 1946 passed resolutions
demanding that the United States Government withdraw American troops
from China and put a halt to military and economic aid to Chiang
Kai-shek’s civil war.
Since last year, progressives and progressive bodies have moreover
continuously attacked the reactionary policy towards China of the;
United States Government and given moral support to the Chinese
people’s movement for independence and democracy. The recent
“National Conference for American Policy Towards China and the Far
East” is however of a broader mass character and its resolutions
have called for direct action.
American imperialists in America strive to cover up their criminal
acts of aiding Chiang Kai-shek’s gang. They tell the American people
that the American imperialist government is helping Chiang Kai-shek
because Chiang Kai-shek’s armies are “fighting for the existence of
the English speaking nations.” They attempt to describe the
interests of a handful of Wall Street banking and munitions magnates
as the interests of the entire United States and even the entire
“English speaking nations.”
But the wild schemes of American imperialists to aid Chiang Kai-shek
and subjugate the Chinese nation are not only in opposition to the
Chinese people but are also cruel attacks on the interests of the
American people.
The United States Government has since the war given four billion
American dollars worth of military materials and loans to aid Chiang
Kai-shek in waging civil war. American banking and munitions
magnates have in the process reaped enormous profits while placing
the whole burden on the American People in the form of increased
rents and taxes and inflation (soaring prices). American finance
capital is endeavoring to deprive the American people of various
basic democratic rights they have enjoyed and is carrying out a
hunger policy towards the American people.
The facts prove that American imperialists are mortal foes of the
American people and that the interests of the American people fully
accord with those of the Chinese nation. The just action of the
[Page 121]
people has given
great encouragement to the Chinese people’s war of liberation. The
Chinese people are also deeply aware that the victory of the Chinese
People’s Liberation Army over the running dog of American
imperialists, Chiang Kai-shek is also assistance to the American
people. The great international solidarity of the Chinese and
American people in their just fight against American