693.0031 Tibet/7–2348
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs (Freeman)
Mr. Tsui called by appointment this morning to discuss further the request of the Tibetan Trade Mission for an appointment with the President. He stated that Ambassador Koo was very pleased that the Department had brought this matter to the Embassy’s attention. Mr. Tsui also expressed the gratification of the Embassy that the Department in considering the Tibetans’ request had in mind the assurances of the Secretary and Mr. Butterworth to Ambassador Koo that [Page 766] the traditional attitude of the U. S. Government of respecting Chinese sovereignty over Tibet remained unchanged.
Mr. Tsui continued that, in view of the particular interest which the Chinese Government had exhibited in the Tibetan Trade Mission, the Ambassador had considered it advisable to refer to Nanking the question of their seeing the President. He added, however, that the Ambassador had recommended strongly to the Chinese Government that the request be approved and stated that a reply was expected within a day or two. He requested that the Department withhold action on the Tibetans’ request until Nanking’s views on the matter were received.
In reply to my question regarding the dinner given last night by Ambassador Koo for the members of the Mission, Mr. Tsui informed me that the atmosphere was most cordial. The question of an appointment with the President was discussed, he stated, and the Tibetans informed the Ambassador that, in addition to the autographed picture of the Dalai Lama, they also carried with them two letters for presentation to the President—one from the Dalai Lama and one from the Regent. The Tibetans also informed the Ambassador that they would give consideration to the latter’s suggestion that the Chinese Embassy might facilitate favorable action on their request to see the President and that they would give him their answer the following day.