893.00/12–2948: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

608. ReContel 567, December 20. Yenching professor, cited Consulate’s reference telegram, last night reviewed present position Fu Tso-yi as follows:

Delegate Li Chi-shen at time Nationalist collapse Manchuria told Fu that latter, in view new situation, should reach accommodation with Communists. Fu’s position now much worse, and Fu feels he was in error failing act before. Present indications are that, where before he felt it more desirable await developments Central China, he presently feels himself in position wait no longer. Third meeting with Communist representatives previously scheduled (see Conreftel) did not occur. There has as yet been no agreement. Fu’s project is nevertheless to use such bargaining power as he still has by virtue his possession Tangku, Tientsin and Peiping to reach something in nature settlement with Communists. It is to be expected that Fu in near future will issue public proclamation proposing peace for North China on basis nominal desire save Peiping, Tientsin and their populations from destruction and miseries of war. This concept envisages establishment “local peace” for North China regardless developments Central China. Informant indicated belief Fu might make such public pronouncement without previous agreement with Communist side except “in principle”, feeling realistic Communist would be prepared grant him acceptable terms on that basis. Informant’s son appeared disagree with father’s estimate, holding rather that at least understanding of surrender terms must precede Fu’s taking public stand. Informant believed Communist castigation Fu as “major war criminal” constituted pressure to bring latter to terms. He remarked that present mobilization public opinion Peiping–Tientsin (see telegram 502, December 28, from Tientsin) constituted maneuvers designed to “force” Fu into position where he would be seemingly justified reach terms with Communists (current moves being possibly with Fu’s former knowledge and consent).
Informant believed nothing now in progress at Shihchiachuang along lines conferences except perhaps preparatory work for future conference, presumably Peiping. Future conference Peiping, which would presumably follow political change this area, would be for purpose determining form new government structure. That government, which would be termed coalition, would represent clean break with old and compromise elements, Li Chi-shen group, Communists, Democratic League, party less persons. Communists would refuse [Page 700] present Kuomintang structure even by implication (therefore Li Tsung-jen excluded), decision National Assembly, national constitution and Legislative Yuan. Site new government would probably be Peiping although exists possibility establishment Nanking. Li Chi-shen considered favorite candidate for president. Informant indicated whether Mao Tse-tung would be Vice President was less certain. Communists would desire incorporate into their government large number non-Communist elements, this partly by reason their exigent need for trained personnel now lacking.
That coalition regime, as any other regime in China, would find it desirable and requisite maintain good relations with US in order obtain further American help in form credits and trade relations designed restore Chinese economy. Informant did not mention relief but stressed US only country in position extend economic aid.

AP correspondent Peiping received information indicating political turn-over North China may occur within week–10 days. Aforementioned informant indicated serious discussions were afoot and expressed belief public pronouncement might be forthcoming in matter of days. He expressed belief Fu no longer in position fight and was therefore under considerable pressure, all along indicated lines. High army man (Central Government) has suggested to member Consulate that Fu, like Yen Hsi-shan may leave for Nanking in next 2–3 days. This would, of course, outwardly run counter to project outlined by professor.

Sent Department 608, repeated Nanking 857, Shanghai 585, Tientsin.
