893.002/12–2048: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chima (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

2585. Cabinet situation remains confused. Even many of Generalissimo’s closest friends are convinced that he must go in order that there may be peace. His sole staunch supporter in continued resistance appears to be Hu Shih, who, equally with Generalissimo, is convinced that sole honorable way is to continue resistance against communism and his hand is strengthened by reportedly reassuring messages Generalissimo is receiving from Madame.

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Otherwise those surrounding Generalissimo, including of late even Chang Chun, feel continuation present ineffective policy directed by Generalissimo will be disastrous; that some change is needed; that effort to negotiate peace is best policy, but no one of them either singly or collectively dares face Generalissimo with demand for his retirement, thus permitting some such arrangement.

Group headed by Chang Chun, but including Chang Chih-chung, Wu Tieh-cheng, Shao Li-tze, Wang Chung-hui50 and Chen Li-fu, are holding off from joining Sun Fo Cabinet until assured Generalissimo will relinquish his full powers. Failing this, they are considering recommending [to] Generalissimo that China appeal other members [of] Big Five in UN to arbitrate China conflict and to act as protectors of any agreements reached. They feel need for peaceful solution, yet fear lack of good faith part Communists should agreement be possible. Fearing repetition Eastern Europe, their aim is territorial arrangement.

Meanwhile, Sun Fo continues unsuccessfully his effort form cabinet, the [apparent omission] while Generalissimo is urging Hu Shih to organize small “brain trust”. Hu is resisting as he objects to what he calls “super cabinet” and Sun Fo resents his own inability to form cabinet because of his failure persuade Generalissimo give him full powers and as result he is blaming US bitterly, saying we hope for collapse Government, sooner the better, and desire retirement Generalissimo.

It is clear that, supported by Hu Shih, Generalissimo continues to hope that sooner or later US will come to his aid with sufficient force to save him.

  1. President of the Chinese Judicial Yuan.