893.00/12–2048: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

567. Following received last night from son Yenching professor reputed prominent current negotiations between Fu and Communists.

About 2 weeks ago there arrived Peiping two Communist representatives Kung and Yang, Kung being former senior to Genau [apparent garble], to see Fu. Proposition was to reach political settlement basis Fu’s retaining present holdings (in Hopeh, effectively Peiping and Tientsin). Fu remains uncertain of: (1) their powers, whether they truly speak for Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai, (2) attitude 3 Central Government armies Peiping (13th, 16th and Li Wen force comprising Fourth Army Group) in event he reached agreement.
At one time six Communist delegates arrived negotiate separately with above-mentioned Central Government armies, armies reported wavering. Two Fu delegates were to tell Fu last night or today that he must hurry or Central Government forces will confront him with embarrassing fait accompli. Lin Piao prepared withhold attack for 3 days from December 18, longer if progress negotiations warrants. Indications are that Fu, who has met delegates twice before and delayed decision 2 weeks, is now faced with necessity making decision on December 18, reported Peiping Communists had given 4-day time limit for surrender. Armenian, captured Peiping west suburbs December 17, released yesterday, informed Consulate office that he was taken Communist Hqs, that Communists placing artillery west suburbs they suggested he wait 3 days and return town with them.

To SecState 567, AmEmbassy Nanking 815.
