800.00B Communist International/1–2448: Telegram
The Vice Consul at Changchun (Siebens) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 28—9:35 p. m.]
21. Recent reports re Comintern (reContel January 8, 9 a. m.) and Chinese Communist political activities north Manchuria follow. Information obtained chiefly from intelligence operator and local nonpartisan politician whose statement he has close connections with certain prominent Communists Harbin appears true: Executive Committee Chinese Communist Party northeast commencing this month recruitment substantial number students for training at Government expense Chiamussu. Training given there ultimately to be used in positions political administration. Applicants for training must be graduates senior middle school, healthy, and pro-Communism. Lin Feng, known to me from other sources as reputed pro-Soviet Chinese, to be dean of new institution. He and one Chen Kuang-chou reported to have been selected in October by Executive Committee to proceed to Russia for 3 weeks “to study northeast affairs of Comintern.” He departed in November and no info available about his return.
In September Soviets planned send 41,000 former Kwantung troops2 to north Manchuria to assist Communists. This assistance not to be on field battle. Plan did not materialize but Chinese Communists reputed to have asked recently for 20,000 [Japanese?] on condition they be pro-Communism. Hsieh Yu-chin, chairman Sino-Soviet Association Friendship and Amity and previously reputed somewhat anti-Soviet, appeared [disappeared?] early part January and now discovered to have been detained by Harbin garrison headquarters because of alleged anti-Soviet sentiment and opposition to Communist policy of transfer of population. This policy has been one of transferring selected elements of population Harbin which possibly non-sympathetic to Communism Trpeian [to Peian] and Mutankiang. Transfer was planned in four moments [movements], of which three already occurred. Hsieh Yu-chin reputed to have opposed policy in general and particularly fourth movement, which [Page 58] scheduled take place during extreme cold resulting in large scale suffering among deportees. Liu Cheng-tung, mayor of Harbin and in charge execution transfer population, discontinued population movement after transfers during cold resulted in some deaths. He is reported now to be under surveillance for non-execution Communist policy.
Leader of embryonic “people’s group” peace movement northeast (re Consulate’s despatch 1, [January 11,] 1948 to Embassy3) recently arrived with message to him from Harbin states anti-Soviet Communist circles with whom he [is] in contact there stated “Chinese Communists are presently having difficulties with Soviets” but that they would not divulge nature difficulties. Unrelated source made similar statement to me today and gave as his belief that difficulties stemmed from Soviet tendency be too dictatorial in advice to Chinese Communists and becoming too cocky at Harbin. Military survey detachment (re Consulate’s reference telegram) has finished survey work with submission some 700 maps to Soviet Consulate [at] Harbin for onward shipment. Group reputed disbanded. Seventeen carloads soya beans and nineteen carloads wheat exported Soviet Union from Harbin to Manchouli December 28.
Three Soviet aircraft landed Harbin January 2 with four Chinese and six Russian passengers plus freight. Passengers proceeded to international book store (re Consulate’s reference telegram) and freight delivered to Soviet Consulate.
One Soviet aircraft landed Harbin January 2 with large load machinery and six Soviets. Four of six Soviets technicians. Machinery said to be of type for manufacture rifles and to be installed in arms factory now being established Harbin in former premises Bank of China.
Submit above info with reservations as to its authenticity but note that primary sources known to me for some time on friendship basis, have been increasingly candid about their own sources, and that certain other info submitted by them in past has checked with reports other sources.
Department please relay to Embassy Nanking as Changchun’s 41.