893.00/10–148: Telegram
The Consul General at Tsingtao (Turner) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 20—9:44 a. m.]
150. Re Deptel September 30, 5 p. m., sent Nanking 1378, repeated Tsingtao 131, ConGen’s evaluation Commie victory Tsinan follows:
Prime cause for swift loss of city is psychological rather than material or military. Nationalist garrison had been isolated for 2 months with no possibility ground support. Previous Nationalist defeats in which Nationalist troops failed fight known to Tsinan garrison and people. Commie victory at Tsinan felt inevitable in view record of failure of Nationalists and consistent victories of Commies who at Tsinan used many of best troops. Nationalist soldiers and population Shantung in general no longer consider Nationalist Government merits continued support in civil war, loss of lives and economic chaos. These factors expressed themselves in outright defection to Commies, immediate surrenders, and failure to stand and fight. Those soldiers willing to fight were unable to trust other units to support them. No mutuality of feelings between regular forces and local Peace Preservation Corps troops. Nationalist regulars were largely from Central and South China and had little interest in defending strange city and people. Commies undoubtedly had organized support within city. No real attempt made defend perimeter at distance outside of city wall. Antiquated customs of falling back to city walls was speedily observed by Nationalist defenders. Other military causes were poor intelligence, failure to take initiative against Commies when concentrating for campaign and thus keeping them off balance. Belated, inadequate, improper air support.
In summary, majority troops at Tsinan did not want to fight while those that did fight found their position made impossible by the disaffected. Defection of Wu Hua-wen was merely the manifestation of a general phenomenon. His treason was not of itself the cause of defeat.
Nationalists at Tsinan had ample ammunition and food and assurance of further supplies in event protracted siege.
Sent Nanking 281, repeated Department as 150.