393.1115/1–2148: Telegram

The Consul General at Canton (Boucher) to the Secretary of State

19 [18], Following text of letter received from Soong as Governor Kwangtung and concurrently chairman President’s Canton headquarters dated January 20 in response to written request personally presented by me yesterday for information on protective measures now in force for security American and foreign interests on Shameen and Canton:

“In reply to your letter of even date, I wish to state:

that as of Sunday the 18th, the police of the special municipality of Canton, as well as the regular forces in the city, have been placed under the direct command of General Huang Cheng-kiu, who will be responsible to me for all security measures in the city.
Aside from municipal police, General Huang has for the above purpose a force of regular troops within city limits.
In Shameen itself, until the situation becomes normal, there are on duty or on alert in Shameen 47 gendarmes and 77 policemen, all armed, which force in the opinion of my military advisers is quite adequate.
Public warning has been given on January 16 that any further outrages on person or property will be met by military force and it is now generally known that the troops and police have been ordered to use their weapons in case of necessity.[”]
