867N.01/8–1648: Telegram

The Special Representative of the United States in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State


55. Mediator’s optimism reported from Stockholm about present truce finds no supporting evidence here. On contrary, truce being broken nightly not only by heavy fighting Jerusalem but by intermittent sniping several fronts. Destruction [Latrun?] pumps attributed on seemingly irrefutable evidence by Colonel Perry, UN observer Chargé that area, to Arab Legion and Arab irregulars and PGI assumption [Page 1316] Arab responsibility [are?] additional proof futility truce and dangerous optimism of Mediator.1

Personally convinced truce in reality not increasing chances peace but rather contrary. Hence conditions appear to call for concentration efforts secure real peace negotiations. I realize this point view parallels that recently expressed by PGI but that does not invalidate soundness point view.

  1. Tel Aviv, on August 14, advised that the “Destruction Latrun pump station seriously affects prestige UN here and increases Israeli skepticism efficacy truce supervision.” (Telegram 52, 867N.01/8–1448)