Editorial Note
Chargé Jefferson Patterson, on June 25, reported that he had held informal talks with Arab League officials and representatives of member states, during which “Arab discouragement apparent at lack of arms and at evident intention US to create at all costs Jewish State. Nevertheless determination voiced in private and to press (1) to reject all solutions Palestine whether put forward by Bernadotte or not which envisage partition or creation Jewish State; (2) resume fighting at end of truce even at cost of defeat and overthrow existing govts if alternative acceptable proposals not available.”
Ahmed al-Rawi, Director General of the Iraqi Foreign Office, suggested [Page 1145] to Mr. Patterson that “US as best friend of Jews might advise Jews accept unitary state since they with their superior knowledge, technique and experience could gain peaceably all they seek through domination such state in 10 years. Al Rawi’s suggestion may have been put forward as alternative to Vatican state idea with division of remaining territory among Arab states which is currently rumored having approval various Arab leaders”. Mr. Patterson concluded that the “Arabs apparently find themselves in dilemma. If they, by above or any other compromise scheme, accept Jewish state several Arab Govts, probably not Egypt, risk [being] overthrown by resentful masses. On other hand they face similar or greater risk if armies are beaten in field. In latter case they argue, however, blame can be thrown on America for support and assistance to Jews and on Great Britain for its refusal under American pressure to honor treaty commitments to supply arms.” (Telegram 841 from Cairo, 501.BB Palestine/6–2548)