501.BB Palestine/6–1648: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Jessup)


413. Dept has received telegram signed by Trygve Lie, dated June 16,1 stating that SC on June 15 at request of UN Mediator decided to ask all States members to report on steps taken to implement Palestine resolution of May 29 and also to request all States members to extend cooperation and assistance to UN Mediator in implementation of his truce proposals.

Please inform SYG and also, for info of SC, President of SC that this Govt has taken following steps to implement resolution of May 29:

Instructions have been sent to appropriate authorities to take necessary steps to prevent departure of “fighting personnel” from the US to countries named in paragraph 3 of resolution.
Instructions have been sent to appropriate authorities and also to Chairman of US Maritime Commission drawing attention to statement concerning “men of military age” set forth in Paragraphs VI (2) (3) and (4) of Count Bernadotte’s truce proposals.
With respect to paragraph 5 of the resolution, the US Govt has since November 14, 1947 applied a rigorous arms embargo covering shipments of all war material from US and its possessions to Palestine arid the countries of the Near East.
As SYG is aware, this govt has been active in cooperating as a member of SC Truce Commission in Palestine in supplying UN Mediator with military observers, aircraft and communications equipment. Sympathetic consideration is now being given to Mediator’s request for 3 naval patrol vessels and for 10 additional military observers.2

In addition to the foregoing this govt has circularized all its diplomatic missions calling particular attention to paragraphs 2 and 5 of SC May 29 resolution and stating its view that all members of UN are obligated to abide by these clauses and consequently to take necessary steps to prevent shipments of war material to Palestine and Arab States as of effective date of truce.

You should conclude your communication to SYG by reaffirming profound hope of this govt that measures thus far adopted by UN Mediator will prove fruitful in leading to successful accomplishment of his broader task under terms of Assembly resolution of May 14, 1948; namely, to “promote a peaceful adjustment of the future situation of Palestine”.3

  1. Copy transmitted by New York in an unnumbered telegram, not printed.
  2. The Department, on June 21, informed New York of Secretary Forrestal’s instructions to assign four Army, three Navy, and three Air Force officers to serve as military observers for Count Bernadotte (telegram 416, 501.BB Palestine/6–1548).
  3. For the text of the letter sent by Mr. Jessup to the Secretary-General on June 21, see Department of State Bulletin, July 4, 1948, p. 11.