867N.01/6–1948: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State


2712. Conviction is growing in all levels FonOff and among English Arab experts outside government that early establishment small compact sovereign Jewish state would be in best interests Arabs (Embassy’s 2469, June 4,1 paragraph 4). This milestone in British thinking [Page 1125] has its origin in the contrast between the efficiency displayed by Jews in setting up Israel and in defending it, and the Arab counter-performance. Holders of this view believe that Arab population in unitary Palestine state would quickly be dominated by Jews through democratic processes and that Communist element among Jews would thus have a greater opportunity to advance Soviet objectives if infiltrated among larger number Palestine Arabs. This group also believes that only Jews themselves can control Jewish immigration; a unitary state with Arab majority could not hope to enforce its immigration laws in face opposition Jews who would show no concern for economic consequences too many Jewish immigrants. It is believed, however, Jews will take different attitude in own state.

2. In private conversations this view is now being expressed as “personal thoughts” by important British officials to Arabs both here and abroad although it is too early to say that this is the official “line” of HMG. It seems likely, however, that it may become the “official line” to Arab Governments at some later stage (e.g. when Arab Governments seek British advice in mediation talks under Bernadotte).

3. This evolution of British thought to my mind punctuates the importance of the US and UK working together along the lines of my 2701, June 18.

  1. Not printed.