News Division Files

Memorandum of the Press and Radio News Conference of the Secretary of State Wednesday, February 11, 1948, at Washington


No. 6

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A correspondent, referring to the fact that Mr. Marshall had presented the American position on the Palestine issue at United Nations and had suggested the possibility of a volunteer police force, asked if this was still our position. Secretary Marshall replied that the American Government had not changed its position at all in regard to Palestine. He said we had indorsed the procedure which led up to the position of the United Nations and we were supporting the procedure consequent to that procedure [position?]. Secretary Marshall, when asked if the United States representative at the United Nations [Page 626] had been or would be given instructions to reiterate the American position in Palestine, answered in the negative.1

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M[ichael] J. McDermott2
  1. President Truman, queried at his press conference of February 12 concerning the Palestine partition plan, replied that he had no comment. Asked whether there was any disposition to soften the plan, he stated that “The United States Government is supporting the United Nations. That is as far as I can go.” (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1948, pp. 137–138.
  2. Special Assistant for Press Relations to the Secretary of State.