867N.01/5–2448: Telegram

The Ambassador in Iraq (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State


350. Herewith comment on Jerusalem’s telegram 650, May 19 as requested by Department circular May 20.1

Apart from military intelligence broad estimate substantially equal strength Arab and Jewish forces (on which subject we have reported all locally available information) key points made by Consul General appear to be:

Arab armies will be content take over Arab areas of country (by which Consul General appears take in all Palestine except eastern Galilee Esdraelon Haifa area and central coastal plain).
US moral support supplemented by reasonable Jewish policy towards Arabs may create favorable atmosphere in which Israel may grow. On first point our view is: While Arab strategy may have the appearance at this time of taking over such “Arab areas” we do not agree that if this phase of Arabs campaign be successful they will be “content”. Basically they are fighting to prevent establishment any Jewish state because they believe all Palestine is rightfully Arab and part of Arab world and because they truly fear any Jewish state would constitute continuing and increasingly aggressive threat to Arab world.

[Page 1042]

On second point our views are: US moral support of Jewish state can do nothing towards creating, so far as concerns Arabs “favorable atmosphere” for that state’s growth but it can seriously damage Arab-American relations. Further to Arabs it is contradiction of terms to speak in same breath on [of?] Jewish rule and of reasonable Jewish policy towards Arabs.2

Sent Department 350; repeated Arab capitals, pouched London.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Minister Childs, on May 25, commented that Arab strategic objectives centered around the annihilation or defeat of Jewish forces to render impossible the establishment of a Jewish state. He noted also that “Azzam Pasha informed me some months ago Arabs might be induced accept token Jewish state Tel Aviv similar Vatican area. However, both Azzam and Ibn Saud are now likely be more influenced by flow events than be in position control and direct them.” (Telegram 311 from Jidda, 867N.01/5–2548)

    Ambassador Tuck, on May 25, gave it as his opinion that “Arabs intend to consolidate Arab areas Palestine state as first step in their endeavor to eliminate Israel.” He noted also that “if US strengthens Jews by raising embargo in their favor, we feel that our tactical and strategic security throughout whole Middle East would vanish overnight.” He concluded that “present US policy is actually prolonging and encouraging the conflict in Palestine and furthermore that it may result in jeopardizing US national security even to the extent of affecting Anglo-American cooperation.” (Telegram 598 from Cairo, 867N.01/5–2548)