501.BB Palestine/5–1248: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Sweden
327. For the Ambassador. It is probable that special Spanish Session of United Nations General Assembly in concluding its consideration of Palestine problem will seek to appoint a UN Commissioner for Palestine whose principal duties will be to mediate between Jews and Arabs of Palestine with view to eventual solution of problem of govt in that country. UN Commissioner would also seek to arrange for operation of common services necessary to maintenance of law and order and of public health, assure protection of the Holy Places and cooperate with Security Council Truce Commission.
For your secret info name of Count Folke Bernadotte has been mentioned in this connection. While this is strictly a UN appointment, we are favorably impressed by Bernadotte’s qualifications and would like your immediate indication whether you feel he would be available for such an important post and whether Swedish Govt would object to his accepting that appointment. You should not give any indication that this govt, is pressing for Bernadotte.1
Repeated to USUN 302.
- Stockholm, on May 13, reported information from the Swedish Foreign Office that while there would be no objection in principle to Count Bernadotte’s appointment, such a development would present a delicate problem for the Swedish Government. Ambassador Matthews evaluated the situation to mean that the Swedish Government would prefer that Count Bernadotte decline appointment as an individual (telegram 585, 501.BB Palestine/5–1348).↩