501.BB Palestine/5–1248
Memorandum by Mr. Robert M. McClintock to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
Subject: This morning’s developments at Lake Success re resolution on Palestine.
Last night our delegates discussed the draft resolution which you approved this morning with representatives of the British and Canadian Delegations in New York City on a purely tentative and informal basis. I am now informed by Mr. Ross that the British Delegation has received a telegram from London authorizing it to support this resolution. I am likewise informed that the Canadian Delegation will give warm support if certain that the resolution is approved by the United States and the United Kingdom. Apparently our delegation has been working on the assumption that the resolution would be introduced by the United States Delegation. I said that you were highly allergic to this idea but the delegation stressed that in the present position at Lake Success no other delegation seems willing to propose a motion which would be suitable to us and that it will be difficult—provided we desire our resolution to pass—to refrain from sponsoring it.
In their conversations in New York, the United States Delegation has been careful to describe our resolution as a draft worked out in New York without commitments on the part of the delegation and submitted to Washington for further instructions.
For your convenience I attach a clean copy of the resolution1 which you approved this morning. The authors of this draft were principally Mr. Rusk here and Dr. Jessup in New York City. Mr. Henderson has concurred with this draft. Mr. Gross likewise concurs but has suggested alternative language for Article Ia [11(1) (a)] (3). A copy of Mr. Gross’ draft language is likewise attached.2
[Here follows final paragraph about a purported leak of information.]