501.BB Palestine/4–2848: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Egypt (Tuck)


470. You should bring following to attention Azzam Pasha re his interpretation of paragraphs five and six of Depcirtel April 221 as constituting threat to withhold economic aid and to disinterest ourselves in promoting stability or maintaining security of ME should Palestine situation continue.2 It was our purpose to point out inutility and pointlessness of further US endeavors to promote economic well-being or political security in ME in face of rapidly deteriorating conditions in the whole Middle East arising from inability of Arabs and Jews to acquiesce in some kind of an arrangement which would bring peace in Palestine.

Rather than being threat alleged by Azzam Pasha purpose of message was to make clear and emphatic need at this critical juncture for Arab cooperation in UN efforts to bring end to chaos in Palestine and to bring home fact that US consideration of economic and political aid to ME would of necessity be useless while unsolved Palestine problem progressively becomes more serious and threatens peace of that portion of world.

Our advocacy of trusteeship could in no sense be imputed to make US “more responsible than any other power for present situation.” On contrary, it was in recognition of fact that GA recommendation of Nov 29 could not be implemented by peaceful means that truce and trusteeship proposals were advanced by US. US Govt meant what it said by stating that trusteeship proposal is advanced without prejudice to final political settlement for Palestine.

Finally, it may be said that US has most earnestly sought—and it continues to seek—a just solution within the framework of UN designed for settlement of world problems such as that faced in Palestine. Our advocacy of an interim arrangement such as trusteeship proposal through established procedures of UN certainly does not make US responsible for fighting in Palestine.

If it were possible for just and final settlement of Palestine problem to be achieved now and without violence, this Govt would be among first to welcome it. Until such solution is found truce and trusteeship proposals offer immediate means by which peace can be restored to Palestine. A just and lasting solution could then be sought free from passions and violence that are daily mounting.

Sent Oairo, repeated Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, Jidda, Jerusalem, New York, London, Paris for info and use at discretion.

  1. Ante, p. 843.
  2. Azzam Pasha’s views had been conveyed to the Department in telegram 417, April 25, noon, from Cairo (501.BB Palestine/4–2548), not printed.