859.24/3–1248: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Denmark

top secret

u.s. urgent

204. For your info[rmation] we have discussed request contained in urtel 229, March 12,1 with War Dept. Similar problems have arisen over a wide area following Brussels meeting. Our use of very limited supplies must be planned with view to requirements of general situation and War Dept has informally indicated that supplies are not now available to implement the Danish request. We assume that the Danes will explore any sources of arms open to them.

It is suggested that you inform the Foreign Minister that we are urgently considering at top levels here the problems of European security and are hopeful that we will reach solutions which will take full account of the situation in Denmark and will go far to relieve Danish anxiety. We feel that the problem can best be dealt with on an overall basis and that a piecemeal approach would not provide a satisfactory solution.

Please convey to the Foreign Minister our deep satisfaction with the indications he has given you of Denmark’s determination to defend its independence. Such determination is of course an essential prerequisite to the consideration by this Government of any measures of assistance. You should emphasize the importance which we attach to the satisfactory solution of the problem of the security of the free countries of Europe.

  1. Telegram 229 from Copenhagen, not printed, contained a request for armaments (859.24/3–1248).