501.BB/10–748: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France


Gadel 218. US position Itcol remains same as set forth Gadel 45.1 While Dept interested evidence effect sentiment slowly crystallizing [Page 957] among Arab States in favor Brit trusteeship for all Libya, it does not consider there is yet sufficient evidence of general trend that direction to warrant reconsideration US position. (Delga 243).2 Any abandonment our policy of postponement Tripolitania could be expected have serious repercussions Italy which we are most anxious avoid. Although we appreciate desirability obtaining support Arab states, we foresee any gain from that source might be more than offset by losses from Latin American states. Moreover one of principal merits our policy of postponement for Tripolitania, which is known and accepted as our position, is fact that we would not be faced with necessity opposing on their merits such solutions as Italian trusteeship, independence, etc. Advocacy postponement enables us take attitude that we are not voting for any these possible solutions at this session simply because we feel situation complicated one requiring further study.

As Del aware, important objective in northern Eritrea is maintenance our facilities Asmara which Armed Forces prefer remain Brit hands. Although we recognize disadvantages our proposed boundary for partitioning Eritrea, it represents best compromise possible bet satisfaction Ethiopian aspirations and maintenance our facilities. Moreover, our present policy of postponement for northern Eritrea has same advantages as in case Tripolitania in enabling us oppose other possible solutions without having take position on their merits. After careful study Delga 243 and 316,3 Dept cannot see any new factor situation present time which would make it desirable change our present policy on northern Eritrea.

Despite foregoing, Dept greatly interested any trend among Arabs or other delegations toward favoring Brit trusteeship for all Libya and desires be kept closely informed any such development. Likewise in case Eritrea, Dept desires full details re any trend in favor Ethiopians.

Dept wishes emphasize at this time desirability stressing at every appropriate juncture our attitude in favor return Italian settlers to Tripolitania and northern Eritrea during period of postponement. In many instances this should be effective lobbying argument, especially among Latin American delegations. Dept particularly anxious ensure US position this subject made integral part US proposals for these two territories when formally introduced in Committee One and in GA.

  1. Not printed; it stated that the United States’ position remained the same as that outlined in the CFM Deputies Recommendations, p. 942 (501.BB/9–2448).
  2. Not printed.
  3. Supra.