The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Inverchapel)
My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I have received your letter of January 13, 1948 in regard to Mr. Bevin’s views relating to the formation of a Western Union.
I share his views concerning the serious situation which confronts the free countries of western Europe and the urgency of measures to enable them to concert with one another for their common safety and good. As in the case of the recovery program, we heartily welcome European initiative in this respect and Mr. Bevin may be assured of our wholehearted sympathy in this undertaking. His proposal summarized in the enclosure to your letter looks to a closer material and spiritual link between the western European nations. I believe this will serve to reinforce the efforts which our two countries have been making to lay the foundation for a firm peace.
[Page 9]Mr. Bevin’s proposal is of such fundamental importance to the future of western civilization that it will need and, I am sure, will receive his continuing study and that of his European colleagues. The initiative which he is taking in this matter will be warmly applauded in the United States. I want him to know that his proposal has deeply interested and moved me and that I wish to see the United States do everything which it properly can in assisting the European nations in bringing a project along this line to fruition. I hope he will feel free to consult with me from time to time when he thinks I can be of assistance.
Sincerely yours,