865.014/2–348: Telegram

The United States Deputy for the Former Italian Colonies of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Gallman) to the Secretary of State


414. Itcol 101. Nineteenth meeting DepItcol (Deputies Italian Colonies) held this afternoon with Gallman presiding. Deputies reached agreement on basis for proceeding with questions of transportation costs of commission and hearing views other interested governments.

[Here follows a discussion of transportation costs of the commission.]

Gallman suggested deputies consider Czechoslovak request present [Page 896] views after receiving report of commission as basis for scheduling hearings of other interested governments.1 Zarubin suggested establishing timetable of all hearings since Czechoslovak letter, as he put it, was just one of many requests for hearings. All deputies agreed to US suggestion that hearings interested governments be scheduled on basis replies already received from each government. Deputies agreed secretaries should prepare timetable of hearings based on these replies for deputies approval. Secretaries also instructed to draft letters informing each government when it will be heard. Effect of Soviet agreement to this proposal is to remove vexed question of whether hearings should be held before or after receipt of commission’s reports. Reasonable timetable of deputies meetings and hearings of governments concerned should now be worked out without too much difficulty.

Deputies readily agreed that procedure for circulating reports of commission is clearly stated in paragraph 5 of document IC 29,2 which states that deputies shall send copies of the reports to governments concerned immediately upon their completion.

Next meeting deputies will be held after secretaries discuss transportation costs with BOAC representative and draft timetable of hearings.

  1. Three interested Governments (Egypt, Ethiopia, and Italy) stated territorial claims, while sixteen Governments: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Byelorussia, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, Greece, India, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Ukraine, Union of South Africa, and Yugoslavia, wished to express their views on the disposition of the Italian Colonies.
  2. Not printed.