655.5631/3–1848: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

us urgent

554. Re signature Brussels treaty: French Ambassador this morning discussing treaty made following points:

British stickiness on economic consultation understandable view 75 percent their trade outside continent. Remarked that although French delegate sided with Benelux proposal it understood British objections strong permanent economic council.
Bidault felt very strongly most important next step is establishing common military technique and standardization arms among five, bearing in mind US technique and equipment.
He and Bidault both feel if USSR wants war, now is time. Boetzelaer subsequently remarked Bidault has serious case jitters and in his opinion French are unduly alarmed. Bech later confirmed saying Bidault and all French delegation very pessimistic.

Saw Boetzelaer later and he feels most serious problem is practical application economic provisions treaty which difficult due free Belgian economy as against British Dutch restrictions. As example, pointed [Page 57] out Benelux presently more effective in political than economic fields saying so far really only a customs union. Re consultative council Boetzelaer remarked first meeting Brussels 22 March and hopes Brussels will be permanent seat. Meetings agenda will be matters relating economies, finance, social security and defense.

Although given in that order Boetzelaer agrees with Bidault that defense most important.
