811.2365/12–947: Telegram
The Military Attaché in Italy (Willems) to the Intelligence Division, Office of the Chief of Staff, United States Army
MAR 349. From USMilAttaché AmEmbassy Rome Italy sgd Glawe1 to CSGID (pass to Departments of Air, Navy and State) info CG TRUST, EuCom and USAFE. Landing right agreement for United States military aircraft accepted 6 December in principle by Embassy and Italian Foreign Office. Requirements for discipline jurisdiction, customs, stationing personnel and locating communication equipment not decided. Exceptional circumstance clause of agreement permits clearance of aircraft on notification attaché with Italian Air Force rather than slow Foreign Office procedure. No limitation placed on number of flights, points of landing, nor route to be followed. Aircraft can continue flights on notification basis after 15 December but Air Attaché must receive following information as far in advance as possible (not later than 24 hours before landing): (a) Type and call sign of aircraft, (b) ETA and airfield of intended landing, (c) Name pilot and number persons aboard, (d) Point of departure and route to be flown, (e) ETD from Italy.
Formations or training overflights or ferrying combat aircraft must have week notice whenever possible to permit normal request clearance rather than notification. This point urged by Italians because of tense political situation.
[Page 743]Italians insist locating weather and communications facilities for possible additional aids to navigation can be met within terms of air service agreement. If equipment left in Italy insufficient under this agreement additional equipment may be supplied and transferred to new desired site as per said agreement.
Italians state additional technical personnel could be stationed Italy by means of request from Italians to United States for reorganization assistance rather than on basis written agreement (to which they object).
Indicated we will receive discipline jurisdiction on “gentleman’s agreement” but Italians do not desire place same in writing.
Indicated crew and intransit passengers may wear uniform and travel military orders until these points agreed.
Manner of handling United States Government consigned mail and discharged cargo not yet defined. Free transit cargo, mail, personnel for TRUST covered in Embassy note verbale to be agreed soon. Important that clearance notification be received so not to violate lenient procedure. Unfinished details still being negotiated.2