860S.00/9–2548: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Italy


2421. Brit FonOff has expressed concern lest Sovs may soon reject Mar 20 FTT proposal, either prior to or simultaneously with charges before SC that US and UK violate treaty by blocking appointment Governor.1 In such event we wld be forced defend our position before UN and attempt obtain general acceptance our contention treaty settlement unworkable due Yugo actions and agreement greatest possible number UN members best solution return FTT to Itals. Our exact course action in such situation wld depend developments and cannot be foretold now. Our present policy therefore maintain situation fluid and retain freedom action.

Brit FonOff expresses view we slid make every possible preparation obtain support middle powers in UN our Mar 20 position and suggest this connection Itals might be urged make statement at opportune moment to effect upon return FTT to Italy they wld establish free port Trieste which wld be available commerce all natural hinterland city for benefit increased trade commerce Central Europe and Danubian area. We agree statement such intention Itals might gain support Mar 20 proposal and lessen force any Sov argument against return. Accordingly, you slid, after consultation your Brit colleague, suggest to Itals desirability appropriate statement along above lines.2

Sent Rome 2421, rptd London 3779, Paris 3823, Trieste 502 and Belgrade 560.

  1. There was no further consideration of the problem of the FTT by the Security Council in 1948 after the 354th meeting on August 19. (See footnote 2, p. 540.) The next meeting on the problem was on February 17, 1949.
  2. In telegram 3868 of October 2, not printed, Dunn reported that Sforza had stated that he would be glad to take such action. (860S.00/10–248).