860S.00/S–1148: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser (Joyce), at Trieste


Niact 405. Developments SC discussions Yugo charges re US–UK admin FTT indicate strong possibility we shall want to place before SC specific charges Yugo violations treaty obligations in admin their Zone. Such charges wld not only counter false charges against our Zone but wld support contention in Mar 20 proposal Yugos have virtually incorporated Zone into Yugoslavia thereby making treaty settlement unworkable. Brit in their statement before SC charge Yugos with creation “Police State” their Zone. Development this theme as well as specific illustration flagrant violations treaty obligations wld seem desirable.

Although Dept has much raw material submitted by you there seems to be dearth concrete evidence specific violations. Wld appreciate from [Page 539] you confirmation establishment “Yugo-lira” including text decrees, whether Ital lira also legal tender, etc; whether any customs or other barrier between Yugo Zone and Yugoslavia and what economic controls exist at inter-zonal boundary; application Yugo civil law including commercial and financial regulations in Zone; what is postal system; whether Yugo trade and commercial agreements extend to Zone. Also pls advise whether AMG declared Ital national holiday June 2 legal holiday in UK–US Zone as charged Yugo note.1

Require telegraphic reply above by Thursday night for possible use next meeting SC Friday morning. Repeat telegram to USUN, New York. Also forward by airmail additional material including all possible documentation to support any charges we may decide make. Dept forwarding by airmail verbatim texts SC meetings.

Belgrade and Zagreb shd telegraph any useful info available those posts.

Sent Trieste 405, rpt Belgrade 479, Zagreb 45, USUN 522.

  1. In telegram 501 from Trieste, August 13, not printed, Joyce provided the specific references requested (860S.00/8–1348).