840.00/3–1148: Telegram

The Consul in Iceland (Trimble) to the Secretary of State


59. Deptel 42, March 91. Icelandic newspaper comment on Bevin proposal has been light, scattered and almost completely factual with practically no discussion underlying economic, political and security factors. Comment departed from purely objective only in press discussion of statement made by Stefan Johann Stefansson2 at time Scandinavian conference Stockholm Prime Ministers to effect Iceland stands with western powers (Legation’s despatches 37, February 12 and 43, February 171). Although subsequent assertion Minister of Communications that majority Icelanders share reported views of their Prime Minister is probably correct, this does not mean that Iceland has any desire or intention to become member of proposed union, regarding itself in this instance as North Atlantic rather than European state. Government accordingly inclined to view proposal in abstract as desirable step for western Europe but of no direct concern to Iceland by virtue its geographic position.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Icelandic Prime Minister and Minister for Social Affairs.
  3. Not printed.