860S.00/3–948: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser (Joyce), at Trieste


159. Reurtel 116 Mar 9,1 you shd recommend to Airey that for time being Dept considers inadvisable institute policy strict reciprocity on matter admittance press representatives from Yugo Zone. We believe maintenance greatest possible freedom of press for all, commensurate with security requirements, will best serve to demonstrate correctness and fairness US–UK administration and, by contrast, substantiate our charges against Yugo Administration.

Dept recommends that pro-Allied correspondents in UK–US Zone [Page 521] repeat frequently requests enter Yugo Zone to report on conditions. Suggest full publicity to requests and also to any delays or refusals by Yugos as proof denial freedom of press in Yugo Zone.

  1. This telegram, not printed, reported that 6 weeks earlier AMG had requested permission for American and British correspondents to attend the trial in the town of Buie in the Yugoslav Zone of some Benedictine monks who were accused of food hoarding, collaboration with Fascists, immorality, etc. Just before the trial began the request was repeated in writing. The Yugoslavs replied that there was not sufficient time to make arrangements. The actual situation was that Anglo-American press representatives were barred from Zone B, but Tanjug had an office in Trieste. Joyce asked if AMG should not institute reciprocity. (860S.00/3–948)