840.50 Recovery/10–1148: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium (Kirk) to the Secretary of State


1852. Spaak is very much concerned about attitude Hall-Patch and British position regarding OEEC meeting Foreign Ministers on 16th Paris; because Hall-Patch has so far declined agree that either Harriman or Marshall be invited. Spaak is furious. He says it is essential Harriman be invited to morning meeting as not only would he learn everything anyhow at second hand, but it would be far wiser, not mention politer, invite him attend. After all, said Spaak, Americans were paying bills and had every right expect their special European representative be present.

Spaak said that Marshall must be at afternoon meeting which was in honor of author European Recovery Program, namely Secretary Marshall himself.

I informed Spaak it was possible Hoffman might be in Paris around next weekend and Spaak said that, of course, if he were there, OEEC would welcome his presence and he would do everything include Hoffman in meetings.

It seems to me trend events in OEEC matters begins suggest reconsideration our attitude towards this organization in regard participation and leadership. Perhaps we should do better accept more responsibility even though not altogther consonant with our original conception that European nations should settle broad range questions by their own decisions. Since ERP has become part our national policy, and for very good reasons, we might well review our own relationship toward OEEC whenever there is reason think progress is being frustrated by procedural matters.

Sent Department 1852, repeated Paris 197 for Harriman, London 167.
