840.00/3–448: Telegram

The Chargé in Belgium (Millard) to the Secretary of State

top secret

452. Have just conveyed to Spaak questions contained in Deptel 313, March 3. As regards (1) his first reply was that if as he hoped there would be satisfactory progress on economic problems resulting from present five power talks, he proposed that an economic conference be held to which Italy could be invited. As to including Italy in the western union, his first reaction was that we should wait until after Italian elections. I said my impression was that Department was posing the question of whether steps should not be taken before elections in order to strengthen the Italian Government’s hand and pointed out that Department referred to “immediate future”. Spaak said before giving an opinion one would have to know whether Italy wanted to take such a step. It might conceivably be that Italian Government would feel this would have adverse effect on elections. He could not himself weigh this point. As to including Italy in due course, perceived no objection. Of course should a Communist majority be returned in Italy, French flank would be turned and whole western union would be jeopardized.1 I could not get him to give more precise reply.

As regards (2) he said the question does not arise in any of the five countries except France. In his opinion it would be a mistake express in connection with the western union talks anti-Communist feeling which he himself heartily shared. He left me to understand that if [Page 38] such a danger exists, it was a problem which France will have to meet.

Sent Department 452; repeated London 49, Paris 41, Hague 33.

  1. For documentation on the concern expressed by the United States over a possible Communist victory in the projected elections of April 18–19, and United States support of the democratic non-Communist elements during the pre-election period, see pp. 816, passim.