840.00/2–648: Telegram

The Ambassador in Norway (Bay) to the Secretary of State


62. I asked Foreign Minister Lange yesterday how Norway views Bevin proposal Western European Union, whether Norway has been asked to cooperate, and if so what action will Norway take. Foreign Minister stated Norwegian Ambassador London called at Foreign Office after Bevin speech and was informed Scandinavian countries intentionally excluded in Bevin’s proposal for procedural reasons and to avoid embarrassing Scandinavian States through forcing them to declare attitude before program further advanced; that Bevin plan envisages as first step agreement by England, France with Benelux countries, second step Italy and Portugal; after which, depending upon progress of plan, discussions with Scandinavian countries.

Lange stated Bevin proposal sound and constructive but Norway should defer open discussions and certainly any decision pending discussion among Scandinavian Governments.

Replying my question whether Stockholm meeting Scandinavian Prime Ministers February 7 would discuss Bevin plan Lange said visiting [Page 21] Prime Ministers invited remain additional day to discuss Scandinavian matters general interest including undoubtedly Bevin plan.

Lange feels Soviet Government unusually allergic at present regarding Norway and best avoid any possible new irritant. As example sensitive reactions eastern bloc Lange said representative Yugoslavia and another Soviet-dominated state called Foreign Office protesting his recent mildly pro-western Storting speech (despatch 47 January 221). Lange added Norway also desires avoid friction this particular time because presently discussing several unsettled issues involved Norway-Soviet border agreement, specifically question fishing and floating rights border river and manner protecting newly established border. Also Lange stated minority but sincere element Norway trade unions still harbor faith and friendship toward Russia based on old traditional concept Soviet Socialism. Thus any precipitate or enthusiastic response by Norway to Bevin plan might alienate this group increasing Communist strength Norway.

Lange concluded Norway feels definitely aligned to west and must increasingly fix those ties. He stated belief Norway’s tragic position beginning of war partly accounted for by earlier failure join with democracies and Norway must avoid this mistake in future planning. I told him it was refreshing and encouraging to hear this frank statement and will keenly watch for its activation.

Sent Department 62, repeated London as 1, Paris 4 and airmailed Moscow, Copenhagen, Stockholm.

  1. Not printed.