Editorial Note
In April 1948, the Chilean Government asked the United States to send a representative to Santiago to discuss the Antarctic question with Chilean Foreign Ministry officials. The Department of State subsequently agreed to the request subject to the understanding that the American Antarctic expert would also go to Buenos Aires for conversations with Argentine officials. Caspar D. Green of the Division of Northern European Affairs was selected to carry out the mission to Santiago and Buenos Aires. Green took with him copies of the Draft Agreement on Antarctica (page 984) and an aide-mémoire for presentation to the Chilean and Argentine Foreign Ministries. The aide-mémoire was the same one given to the Australian Embassy and five other missions in Washington on August 9 (see page 996). Green also had with him an outline of oral comments he might make.
Green arrived in Santiago at the beginning of July, but because of a Chilean cabinet crisis, conversations with Foreign Ministry officials were delayed until July 12. Serving as the principal Chilean representatitve in talks with Green, which lasted until July 17, was Professor Julio Escudero Guzman, former Legal Adviser in the Chilean Foreign Ministry and unofficial consultant to the Ministry. For a summary telegraphic report on Green’s mission to Santiago, see telegram 495, July 19, from Santiago, infra. Detailed reports on the talks were transmitted to the Department of State in despatches 460, July 13, 470, July 14, 475, July 19, 477, July 19, and 485, July 22, from Santiago. These despatches are all included in file 800.014 Antarctic.
Green travelled from Santiago to Buenos Aires for a brief visit. Accompanied by Counsellor of Embassy Guy W. Ray, Green called upon Dr. Pascual La Rosa, Subsecretary for Political Affairs of the Argentine Foreign Ministry, on July 21 and presented the aide-mémoire and Draft Agreement on Antarctica. The meeting, the only one Green had in Buenos Aires, was reported in telegram 730, July 21, from Buenos Aires, page 995 and in detail in despatch 468, July 21, from Buenos Aires not printed (800.014 Antarctic/7–2148).